We're back in the Golden State! And We've Learned a Thing or Two

We are back in the Golden State! After a month of traveling through France, it feels good to come home to our own beds, our cute little apartment and the life that we've built over here on the West Coast.

We had such a beautiful time in France and are so grateful for the time we had to spend with family! Scott had never been to France and had never met a good half of my family, and so having this happen was a dream come true. A true dream indeed! There were times when I'd stare at Scott cooking with my grandma, and I couldn't believe my eyes. The two loves of my life have joined together, finally. Finally!

Before I start to rant about our time in France (there will be plenty of posts coming!), I'd like to touch on the fact that sometimes, distance makes the heart grow fonder. Dare I say that distance is necessary in order to step back, reevaluate, and come back with a clearer mind (for almost anything - art, thoughts, arguments, etc.). Living in Los Angeles is a privilege and blessing, but sometimes it can also get pretty hectic and stressful. I know, to you New Yorker's out there — I know. The pace may not be as rigid or as fast-paced, but this city still holds the same stress — without much of an outcome. There's a constant pressure to be occupied and busy, yet with all of the "busy" there isn't much time for friends or food, or balance. After awhile, I sometimes find myself starting to resent Los Angeles. Its heat. The traffic. The inability to walk anywhere (because shops and cities are so separated in distance). The concept that one must always be "busy". The loneliness of a ridiculously oversaturated city that shouldn't be lonely at all. The list goes on.

However. . . taking this break from L.A. has been a breathe of fresh air. A step back that brought room for a new start. Scott and I walked into our apartment last night and I thought "wow! This place is so cute!" and as we walked to find some baguettes this morning, I kept thinking "this sun is glorious! This breeze! The space around me!". What a privilege it is to live in such a beautiful city. What a privilege it is to have this life, and to have my love by my side. A joy! So with that said, sometimes distance is a blessing. Sometimes, it is necessary to step back for awhile, learn the things that we need to learn, and come back with a greater outlook. Even if it's for a week! Or a day!

What's my greater outlook? I am reminded that nothing is more important than happiness, family, well-being, and health. No job will or should ever be. Also, less stress — I can make the decision to keep it out of my life. It doesn't have to consume me If I don't allow it to. Last but not least, visiting my country was a reminder to enjoy life just a little more — more friends! More adventures to the beach, for example. . . especially now that I am aware that I can actually tan. France was good to us.

Here's Scott the connoisseur captured this morning, trying a baguette from down the road (after eating baguette for breakfast, lunch and dinner, you could say we have fallen in love and are determined to find the perfect one here in L.A.!). The verdict?:

Scott tries Le Pain Quotidien

Not so good. It could be that we've been a little bit spoiled for the past month! Alas, the search shall go on.

Scott tries Le Pain Quotidien

Have YOU been able to find a good baguette place here in L.A.? Comment below and let me know your secrets!